3 Problems You Won't Have If You Install A Ductless Heating And Air Conditioning System

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When talking to someone about installing a heating and air conditioning system in your home, you might have been given the suggestion to purchase a ductless unit. A lot of homeowners opt for heating and air conditioning systems that use the ductwork that might already be existing in their homes, or they have ductwork installed so that they can use a traditional central heating and air conditioning unit. You can avoid certain common problems if you choose a ductless heating and air conditioning system, though. These are some of the problems that you won't have to worry about.

1. Losing Air Because of Duct Work Clogs or Damage

If the ducts that run throughout your home are clogged with dirt or have tears or other damage, then the heating and cooling in your home will be affected if you have a traditional central heating and air conditioning system. Since ducts are used at all with a ductless system, you don't have to worry about duct tears or clogs causing any problems with your heating and cooling your home.

2. Spreading Dust and Allergens Throughout the Home

Another problem that many homeowners deal with when they choose traditional heating and cooling systems with ductwork is the possibility of dust, debris, and allergens being spread throughout the home through the ductwork. Again, if you choose a system that doesn't have ductwork at all, you don't have to worry about this, which might be better for you and your family if someone in the house has allergies.

3. Hearing a Lot of Noise

A heating and air conditioning system is going to have to make some noise when it's pumping hot or cold air out to keep your home at a comfortable temperature. Some systems are a lot noisier than others, though, and can be quite irritating when they're running. Ductless systems are typically pretty quiet, so this is one more concern that you probably won't have when you choose a ductless heating and air conditioning system. Of course, some of these systems are quieter when they're operating than others, so you can specifically look for a quiet unit if noise is something that you're concerned about.

Like any other type of heating and air conditioning system that you might choose to install in your home, there are still some disadvantages that go along with ductless heating and air conditioning systems. If you consider the problems that you won't have to worry about if you choose a ductless system, though, you might find that choosing a ductless system will save you a lot of headaches.

Contact your local cooling installation services today for more information and assistance. 
